Maximize your candidate experience with a personalized career page
Create a modern career page within seconds and motivate potential hires to apply to your jobs.
We help over 270 companies across every industry to hire more efficiently.

Looking to build an attractive career portal? Use RECRU to get it ready within seconds and without any implementation costs.
Showcase your company identity
Create a great first impression of your business. Simply upload your company’s graphic visuals to customize the career page within seconds.
personalize the page with your logo and banner
present your company description, values, team and open job positions
no extra programming costs

Track all applications in one place
As soon as candidates apply, their profiles are created and relevant information from CVs is automatically extracted. Applicants coming from your career page, as well as external job boards are all recorded in one place.
contact details, skills, job and education history are extracted automatically with AI-powered CV parser
applicants automatically assigned to respective selection process
candidate source recorded immediately
What our customers love about RECRU
We are proud to be trusted by hundreds of companies from all over the world.
We have asked some of them what they appreciate about RECRU.
Start your 14-day free trial
Join 270+ companies already growing with RECRU.
Monthly contracts, cancel at any time
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We’ll do the setup for you